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Get to know me 

I was born and raised in the tiny town of Windsor, Colorado. I spent most summers exploring the mountains of North Park (specifically Gould). With my little brother Corey always by my side, we could be found building forts, exploring the woods, making mud pies, and playing in the creek.

In 2013, my brother passed away unexpectedly at the young age of 25. Thirty three days later my dad lost his battle with cancer. Forty seven days later, my mom passed away due to a broken heart.

Yes, my entire family in less than three months. I was devastated. I lost who I was, where I was going, who I wanted to be, and most importantly, my joy. I really couldn't tell you how I survived. I kept taking baby steps; one step at a time, one day at a time. Eventually, I learned to move through the hurt and opened up to positive experiences.

I found my soulmate in 2019 and we were married in less than 8 months. On our one year anniversary Luke (my husband) took me to Disney World for the very first time. I had never gone as a kid, so admittedly, I was hesitant at first. I thought Disney was for little kids. Boy was I wrong! From the moment I entered Disney, the tears rolled down my cheeks, the wonderous music tugged at my soul, and I found my JOY again! It had been years since I had felt this way. I never thought I would get it back. But just like magic, I did!

After this trip I just had to go back and I did and still do! Over, and over again. I became completely infatuated with it. I wanted to learn all the secrets, see all of the details, learn all the history, explore, and eat ALL of the food.

It just came to me one day. I found it! I found my passion, I found my path, my reason for being!  I wanted to share the joy I felt with the world! I need to! I am supposed to! I am meant to help people find their joy! I decided to start an Instagram to share it. I have worked hard on it every day since and it all started with a mouse. 

I am happily married with 2 dogs, 3 cats, a fish and a frog. We plan to have human kiddos too. I am a rollercoaster and dark ride enthusiast, a big time foodie with a love for all things travel. I treasure the atomic era fashion and décor, I enjoy the mountains, camping, concerts, hiking, a good campfire, a nice resort, the beach, snorkeling, fishing and exploring new places. 


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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